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Two students in a gender neutral bathroo


Dear School Administrators,

I am writing to you to ask for your unwavering support as my colleagues and I take on the challenge of teaching students about the connections between gender expression and relationships. This study would be in an interdisciplinary format; including areas from the Health and Life Skills, Social Studies, ELA, Music, Drama and Science grade nine program of studies. While the authors of this study recognize the emotionally and socially mature nature of the content we will be presenting, we believe it is imperative for students to achieve a critical understanding of this relevant social issue instead of developing a surface awareness based on bias. 

    We postulate that through this study students will gain a deep understanding that will help cultivate them into ethical citizens that are well informed on differing gender perspectives. As well as becoming ethical citizens, we hope that this study will assist students to form their own identity as well as to learn to respect the identity formation of others. These concepts directly relate to personal wellness and student growth which are considered enduring understandings of this study. Finally, it is our aspiration that students will gain the ability to identify social issues, reflect on how they impact the world and act to change society for the greater good.  

    Thank you in advance for your support in aiding our students grow as ethical citizens and stewards of social justice. 


Teachers Ruin Gender. 

Letter to the Principal: Intro
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