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Essential Question: How does gender expression impact interpersonal relationships?

Students will be asked to utilize their knowledge of gender roles and expression to understand the way they shape healthy and unhealthy relationships. Points that will be discussed: Healthy disagreements, domestic violence, men-in-a-box, 'Dogrib Midnight Runners'. During this week students will also pick an inquiry topic to explore in their final performance project.

Week 3: Intro


  • Students will utilize knowledge of gender roles and expression to understand how they shape relationships

  • Students will explore the following concepts: healthy disagreements, domestic violence, men-in-a-box

  • Students will form groups and pick an inquiry topic for their final performance

Week 3: Body


  • Students will view the documentary "The Mask You Live In

  • Students will read Richard Van Camp's "Dogrib Midnight Runners" and utilize the WALTeR guide for analysis


  • Students will brainstorm what they think a 'real man' and 'real woman' do.

  • Class discussion on what people will call us if we do not perform gender acceptably. 

  • Students will be asked to show evidence of their evolving perspective by completing the sentence: "A real man ... / A real woman ... / A real person ..."

  • Students will then brainstorm in a think-pair-share how the male or female box impacts people's actions in relationships.

  • Students will complete an exit slip on one way to break out of the box


  • Students will roleplay healthy and unhealthy disagreements and reflect on how gender plays a role 

  • Conflict management workshop


  • Students will research and find media examples of unhealthy relationships across genders, (eg. music video; commercial). They will present with a partner on their findings.

Week 3: Body
Week 3: Citations
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